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Astro Guidance for July 22nd – July 28th (CEST-Time)

Skribentens bild: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-NättHelena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

Helena-Magdalena's Astro Guidance for the Week!

Week 30

Period: July 22nd – July 28th


The week begins with what is known as the Lion’s Gate, as the Sun enters its own sign, Leo. Just before that happens, the Sun in Cancer forms a beautiful trine to Neptune in Pisces. Meanwhile, Mercury and Uranus challenge each other, and Mars and Pluto meet in a trine. So, the week starts with a significant energy shift. Additionally, the Sun forms an opposition to Pluto on Tuesday and a sextile to Mars on Friday.


Monday, July 22nd – Lion’s Gate

Sun, Cancer trine Neptune, Pisces 29°49'


Just before the Sun moves into Leo, a wonderful trine forms between the Sun in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. This is a positive transit that enhances intuition. It increases your sensitivity and your desire to help others. It heightens your ability to have big dreams about the future. Visualize how you want things to be in your mind, and creative visualization will help you achieve your dreams.


Sun enters Leo


During the morning, the Sun leaves Cancer behind and returns home to its own sign, Leo. Here, the Sun shines in its most beautiful light. Leo governs the heart, and now vitality, generosity, creativity, and the desire to enjoy life increase. Leo's energy makes everyone stars and creates a wonderful extroverted energy that encourages you to enjoy life. Have fun, be adventurous, and surround everyone with your heartfelt energy. Love is at its peak for several weeks, and new couples form in these wonderful energies.


Mercury, Leo square Uranus, Taurus 27°


When Mercury, your lower consciousness, is challenged by Uranus, your higher consciousness, you may feel nervous and unclear about who you are and what you want. This transit can also lead to sudden changes in your life. You might receive news that requires you to change your plans. So, keep an extra eye on things today. This transit is positively influenced by the trine between Mars and Pluto, which also occurs today.


Mars, Gemini trine Pluto, Aquarius 1°


This fantastic transit makes you determined, focused, and powerful. Your drive is strong, and your words carry weight. You gain enhanced self-confidence and believe in yourself. This transit brings passion and closeness in love relationships. It’s a perfect day for a date, whether with your current partner or an admirer.


Tuesday, July 23rd

Sun, Leo opposition Pluto, Aquarius 00°52'


Now the Sun and Pluto meet in opposition in Leo and Aquarius. When oppositions occur, it’s good to remember that it’s okay to change your mind and reconsider. You may suddenly see things from a different perspective. A wavering self-esteem can make you doubt yourself. Also, be extra cautious of behaviors involving manipulation and control, as Pluto’s activity can bring our lower emotions to the surface.


Wednesday, July 24th

No transits.


Thursday, July 25th

No transits.


Friday, July 26th

Mercury enters Virgo


Today, Mercury returns home to one of its own signs, Virgo. The other sign Mercury rules over is Gemini. As Mercury moves through Virgo in the coming weeks, everything related to communication is at its peak. Virgo’s care is shown in words and actions. If you enjoy writing, now is the time to do so. In Virgo, it’s perfect to write all sorts of things: detailed to-do lists, diaries, plans, dreams, short stories, poems, and books. So, let your hands give words to your thoughts and feelings; it can turn out really well.


Sun, Leo sextile Mars, Gemini 4°


The Sun in Leo harmoniously beams together with Mars in Gemini today. This wonderful transit brings vitality, courage, strength, creativity, and energy. High energy levels need to be expressed through various activities; otherwise, restlessness and frustration are likely. Your self-confidence is at its peak, so aim for the stars and believe in yourself! Relationships are marked by this wonderfully kind-hearted, passionate, and intense energy.


Saturday, July 27th

No transits.


Sunday, July 28th

No transits.



Wishing you an exciting week!


Light and love, 


Astrologer: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt, Sweden

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