Helena-Magdalena's Astro Guidance for the Week!
Week 28
Period: July 8th – July 14th

A new week is upon us, and this week also offers several positive transits as Mercury and Jupiter, Venus and Uranus meet in sextiles. Two wonderful trines are formed between the Sun - Saturn and Venus - Neptune. Additionally, there is a tense opposition between Venus and Pluto. As Venus forms several favorable transits, it’s a wonderful week for love, and Venus enters fiery Leo on Thursday, bringing exciting love!
Monday, July 8th
Mercury, Leo sextile Jupiter, Gemini 10°
Quick, smart thoughts blend with Jupiter's expansive energy, bringing wonderful dreams and plans for the future! It’s easy for you to write down and articulate what you really want, creating a vision for the future and dreaming big!
Venus, Cancer sextile Uranus, Taurus 26°
Another positive transit forms today between Venus and Uranus. Love looks exciting, and if you’re single, you may meet someone from a completely different background. Creativity is at its peak, and you can get exciting and original ideas now. It’s a great day to spend with friends and do something fun and exciting.
Tuesday, July 9th
No transits.
Wednesday, July 10th
No transits.
Thursday, July 11th
Sun, Cancer trine Saturn, Pisces 19°
The Sun and Saturn favor long-term goals as they meet in this wonderful trine. The original and exciting ideas you get this week can now be planned for long-term implementation. You will have all the perseverance you need to move forward in life, step by step.
Venus, Cancer trine Neptune, Pisces 29° 54'
Another trine forms today between Venus and Neptune. There’s love in the air! Romance is at its peak. It’s easy for you to express your love and connect with your beloved. This transit also indicates that you may meet love. It’s also a perfect day to spend with friends. Creativity and artistry are at their best.
Venus enters Leo
Shortly after the exact transit between Venus and Neptune, Venus leaves Cancer and glides into Leo. Leo stands for courage, creativity, excitement, and glamour. Here, Venus finds an outlet in love that becomes more direct and straightforward. There’s flirtation in the air, and new love affairs are formed in the coming weeks. Your creativity is heightened, so take the opportunity to engage in creative activities.
Friday, July 12th
Venus, Leo opposition Pluto, Aquarius 1°
Venus had just entered Leo when an opposition to Pluto in Aquarius forms, meaning your relationships may come under pressure. Manipulation and power struggles can occur in existing relationships. Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness may arise. If you are single, be extra cautious if you go on a date today.
Saturday, July 13th
No transits.
Sunday, July 14th
No transits.
Astrologer: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt, Sweden

Wishing you an exciting week!
Light and love,