About me

A big and warm welcome to my website!
My name is Helena-Magdalena (Ivekrans-Nätt)
I come from the land of the midnight sun, Sweden, in northern Europe.”
I work as a spiritual teacher, author, public speaker, medium, healer and as an
My burning passion in life is to share the wisdom of the Universe, to spread light in
darkness and to help people evolve within their own spirituality to find their higher
purpose in life.
I’ve been following my inner calling to help others, and that has led me down some
exciting paths. I am a searcher, and to look for what exists beyond the physical
world, has made my life into a thrilling journey.
As a child I started seeing the spirit world, as well as predicting the future and having
true dreams and communicating with the stars. I could understand, even as a young
girl, that my higher purpose in life would be working within the spiritual community in
different ways.
When I was a teenager I started reading about astrology and other types of spiritual
literature. Today I have been working spiritually in different ways for over 30 years.
When I was 25 I became an astrologer and started guiding people as a “psychic”
together with tarot cards and astro numerology based on the Kabbalah system.
When I first started working with healing, it was with reiki. After that it was as a
Practitioner Reconnective healer, where I was taught by Eric Pearl.
Now I work with a type of healing that's called Athina’s Blue Ray Healing and
activation which I got channeled down to me from the temple sites in Greece.
For the last 10-15 years I made my dreams come true and became one of the great
spiritual profiles in Sweden. When my two books about the law of attraction, Lev din
dröm 2014 (Live your dream) and Lev i din kraft 2015 (Live in your power), came out,
I appeared on TV and in magazines and received great appreciation for my work. I
started writing a blog for Sweden's biggest spiritual magazine “Nära” and reached
millions of people in only a few years.
During this time I quit my job as the head of social services in the region and have
been running my own company since then.
I work as the astrologer on two big spiritual magazines in Sweden, Nära and Tara.
I also work as a medium, writer, healer and spiritual teacher. I have, together with my
friend and colleague, Benny Rosenkvist, one of the biggest podcasts in Sweden.
I have throughout the years been having lectures for thousands of people and
spread the wisdom of the universe which I have been channeling in many different
The mystery of the universe has always intrigued me and I've been listening to my
soul's voice and it has led me all over the world. It has taken me to different powerful
places, like the pyramids in Egypt, Maya Temples in Mexico, and temples in Greece,
specifically the Oracle in Delphi and the ancient mystery school in Eleusis.
I also lived in Israel when I was young where I followed the energetic footsteps of
both Maria Magdalena and Jesus.
But mostly I feel connected with the mystical ancient Greece.
In my search for my life's highest purpose, I traveled to Athens, to my best friend
Sofia Magdalena, where I received an idea from the universe to bring other people to
Greece and give them activations and initiations in the high vibrations of the temples
I organize, together with Sofia, trips to different temples in Greece, such as,
Akropolis, The Ancient Mystery School in Elesus, Korinth, Temple of Aphaia, Temple
of Poseidon and the oracle of Delphi.
You can find more information about it under “Trips”.
I am holding courses in a beautiful house, The Lighthouse Onsala, which is located
by the ocean in Onsala, Sweden. I own and run the business with my husband.
The name Onsala means The rooms of Oden, and you can find remains from a
place of sacrifice for the God Oden, from our Nordic mythology, in the area.
Past the house we also have a Maria Magdalena leyline, which is bringing us
beautiful energies for our courses.
We also have Li’s burial ground close by, where you can find 127 graves and other
remains from the Viking age, so there are really powerful energies around us.
I have throughout the years been holding courses in Sweden, Denmark, Finland,
Portugal and Greece. In 2022 I published 2 new books in Swedish, Lev i ljuset - Lär
dig kanalisera (Live in the light - Learn how to channel), and Lev intuitivt - Hitta ditt
livs högre syfte (Live your life intuitively - Find your life's highest purpose) and Lev nu - förverkliga dina drömmar (Live now - manifest your dreams)

I am Helena-Magdalena
My name is Helena-Magdalena (Ivekrans-Nätt)
I come from the land of the midnight sun, Sweden, in northern Europe.”
I work as a spiritual teacher, author, public speaker, medium, healer and as an
I am:
Success Coach
I have a Bachelor in social science
My burning passion in life is to share the wisdom of the Universe, to spread light in
darkness and to help people evolve within their own spirituality to find their higher
purpose in life.
I’ve been following my inner calling to help others, and that has led me down some
exciting paths. I am a searcher, and to look for what exists beyond the physical
world, has made my life into a thrilling journey.
As a child I started seeing the spirit world, as well as predicting the future and having
true dreams and communicating with the stars. I could understand, even as a young
girl, that my higher purpose in life would be working within the spiritual community in
different ways.
When I was a teenager I started reading about astrology and other types of spiritual
literature. Today I have been working spiritually in different ways for over 30 years.
When I was 25 I became an astrologer and started guiding people as a “psychic”
together with tarot cards and astro numerology based on the Kabbalah system.
When I first started working with healing, it was with reiki. After that it was as a
Practitioner Reconnective healer, where I was taught by Eric Pearl.
Now I work with a type of healing that's called Athina’s Blue Ray Healing and
activation which I got channeled down to me from the temple sites in Greece.
For the last 10-15 years I made my dreams come true and became one of the great
spiritual profiles in Sweden. When my two books about the law of attraction, Lev din
dröm 2014 (Live your dream) and Lev i din kraft 2015 (Live in your power), came out,
I appeared on TV and in magazines and received great appreciation for my work. I
started writing a blog for Sweden's biggest spiritual magazine “Nära” and reached
millions of people in only a few years.
During this time I quit my job as the head of social services in the region and have
been running my own company since then.
I work as the astrologer on two big spiritual magazines in Sweden, Nära and Tara.
I also work as a medium, writer, healer and spiritual teacher. I have, together with my
friend and colleague, Benny Rosenkvist, one of the biggest podcasts in Sweden.
I have throughout the years been having lectures for thousands of people and
spread the wisdom of the universe which I have been channeling in many different
The mystery of the universe has always intrigued me and I've been listening to my
soul's voice and it has led me all over the world. It has taken me to different powerful
places, like the pyramids in Egypt, Maya Temples in Mexico, and temples in Greece,
specifically the Oracle in Delphi and the ancient mystery school in Eleusis.
I also lived in Israel when I was young where I followed the energetic footsteps of
both Maria Magdalena and Jesus.
But mostly I feel connected with the mystical ancient Greece.
In my search for my life's highest purpose, I traveled to Athens, to my best friend
Sofia Magdalena, where I received an idea from the universe to bring other people to
Greece and give them activations and initiations in the high vibrations of the temples
I organize, together with Sofia, trips to different temples in Greece, such as,
Akropolis, The Ancient Mystery School in Elesus, Korinth, Temple of Aphaia, Temple
of Poseidon and the oracle of Delphi.
You can find more information about it under “Trips”.
I am holding courses in a beautiful house, The Lighthouse Onsala, which is located
by the ocean in Onsala, Sweden. I own and run the business with my husband.
The name Onsala means The rooms of Oden, and you can find remains from a
place of sacrifice for the God Oden, from our Nordic mythology, in the area.
Past the house we also have a Maria Magdalena leyline, which is bringing us
beautiful energies for our courses.
We also have Li’s burial ground close by, where you can find 127 graves and other
remains from the Viking age, so there are really powerful energies around us.
I have throughout the years been holding courses in Sweden, Denmark, Finland,
Portugal and Greece. In 2022 I published 2 new books in Swedish, Lev i ljuset - Lär
dig kanalisera (Live in the light - Learn how to channel), and Lev intuitivt - Hitta ditt
livs högre syfte (Live your life intuitively - Find your life's highest purpose) and Lev nu - förverkliga dina drömmar (Live now - manifest your dreams)

During my years as an entrepreneur with the company HM Ivekrans Inspiration, I have been entrusted with the confidence of many people. I am not always great at focusing on my achievements, but here is a summary of what I have accomplished in recent years.
In gratitude, I look back and summarize:
I have had thousands of medium clients, both in-person and over the phone.
I have conducted hundreds of success coaching sessions, both in-person and over the phone.
I have served hundreds of healing clients.
I have performed around 100 Reconnections.
I have written hundreds of blog posts for Tidningen Nära.
I have given hundreds of lectures.
Together with my friend Sofia, I have initiated trips to Greece, totaling 7 journeys.
I have created 5 e-courses.
I have recorded 3 albums.
I have authored 2 books.
I have developed 15 different courses.
I have:
Blogged for Tidningen Nära for nearly 7 years.
Written horoscopes for Tidningen Nära (where I am still an astrologer).
Penned annual horoscopes for Tara in 2019, 2020, and 2021 (where I am still an astrologer).
Contributed horoscopes within the pages of Tara magazine in 2019 and 2020 (where I am still an astrologer).
I have participated in:
SVT's program "Från Sverige till himlen."
P4, with Stefan Lihv.
Numerous podcasts (see the "Mina Podcasts" section).
Aftonbladet several times.
Tidningen Nära on multiple occasions.
Magic Magasin (Norway), Inspire, Free, and others.
Nära's spiritual cruise for 6 years.
I have conducted courses and after-work meditations at Asia Spa in Varberg and delivered several courses and lectures at Arken Spa & Art Garden Hotel.
I have been part of various social events and gatherings such as the Book Fair and Success Days.
I am endlessly grateful for all the opportunities that have arisen!