My onlineclasses
I have throughout the years written and produced eleven different online courses.
Online courses are a really good way of learning about a subject a little bit at a time.
I've gotten help to translate the first course, and you can now find it in english.
You can find more information about the course “Learn how to channel - Beginner “
Here you can find information about the course “Learn how to channel - Advanced”!
In the near future my two online courses “Skapa mer magi i ditt liv” (Create more
magic in your life) and “Kristallernas magiska kraft” (The magical powers of crystals),
will be available in an English version.
By clicking on the pictures you will find more information about my courses on the
platform Coursio.
"Several delightful online courses in English will be available soon!
Including my bestselling online course:"
Lär dig kanalisera - grund och fördjupning
"Learn to Channel - Foundation and Advanced

My onlineclasses
I have throughout the years written and produced eleven different online courses.
Online courses are a really good way of learning about a subject a little bit at a time.
I've gotten help to translate the first course, and you can now find it in english.
You can find more information about the course “Learn how to channel - Beginner “
Here you can find information about the course “Learn how to channel - Advanced”!
In the near future my two online courses “Skapa mer magi i ditt liv” (Create more
magic in your life) and “Kristallernas magiska kraft” (The magical powers of crystals),
will be available in an English version.
By clicking on the pictures you will find more information about my courses on the
platform Coursio.
"Several delightful online courses in English will be available soon!
Including my bestselling online course:"
"Learn to Channel - Foundation and Advanced