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Skribentens bildHelena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt

Astroguidance 9:th September to 15:th September

Helena-Magdalena's Weekly Astro Guidance! 

Week 37


September 9 – September 15


The week begins with Mercury re-entering Virgo, favoring all things related to communication over the coming weeks. Midweek, Mercury and Mars align, boosting your motivation, while the Sun and Jupiter challenge each other on the same day. Believe in yourself.

By the weekend, a lovely and fortunate transit takes place when the planets of luck, Venus and Jupiter, align beautifully in a trine in the air signs Libra and Gemini. Enjoy life!


Venus Trine Jupiter


Monday, September 9 

Mercury Enters Virgo 


Today, Mercury moves back into Virgo, as it did at the beginning of August before turning retrograde and moving back into Leo.

Mercury feels at home in Virgo, which is one of the signs he rules, the other being Gemini. When Mercury travels through Virgo, it benefits communication, planning, and getting things organized. Now is the perfect time to sort out routines and details. Writing lists is ideal at this time.


Tuesday, September 10

No transits 


Wednesday, September 11

No transits 


Thursday, September 12


Mercury in Virgo Sextile Mars in Cancer 4°


With a positive sextile between Mercury and Mars, you are gifted with drive and motivation. Your communication is clear, and your verbal abilities and drive will move you forward. You’ll have an extra dose of energy and clear thinking.


Sun in Virgo Square Jupiter in Gemini 20°


At the same time, the Sun and Jupiter form a square, which may lead you to, on one hand, believe in yourself and feel confident, while on the other hand, feeling anxious and doubting yourself. With the favorable Mercury-Mars transit, your drive will be stronger than your doubts—believe in yourself!


Friday, September 13

No transits 


Saturday, September 14

No transits 


Sunday, September 15


Venus in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini 20°


Venus is called the “small planet of luck,” and Jupiter is the “great planet of luck,” and today they meet in the most fortunate aspect, a trine. Love is in the air! If you are single, this transit could help you find the love you’ve been waiting for. 

It’s a perfect day for fun, shopping, and enjoying life a little extra. This transit also boosts your creativity. Follow the flow that’s being created today.


Wishing you an exciting week!


Light and love, 


Astrologer Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt, Sweden

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