During the intuitive yin energy of the new moon, it's the perfect time to listen inward, take new steps in life, and set new goals.
Text: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt
By knowing which zodiac sign the moon is in during the new moon, you can follow how the moon's rhythm impacts your life. Set your intentions and use creative visualization to envision what you wish to create. Below, you'll find information about the new moon in various signs and their symbolism.
New Moon Meditation
Sit down in a calm and peaceful environment. Take a few deep breaths. Set your intentions for what you want to create, in harmony with the new moon's energy. Visualize the changes you desire in your life. Imagine sending your wishes out into the Universe and trust they will be created for you.
All New Moons in 2024 - CET-time
11/1 New Moon 21* Capricorn at 12:57
Meditate and write down new goals related to your life ambitions and your role in society.
9/2 New Moon 21* Aquarius at 23:58 - Super New Moon
Meditate and write down new goals concerning your emotional freedom and finding your soul tribe.
10/3 New Moon 20* Pisces at 10:00 - Super New Moon
Meditate and write down new goals related to your spiritual journey and creativity.
8/4 New Moon 19* Aries at 20:20 - Super New Moon with total solar eclipse
Meditate and write down new goals focusing on your personal development and self-improvement.
8/5 New Moon 18* Taurus at 05:21
Meditate and write down new goals related to your finances and inner personal resources.
6/6 New Moon 16* Gemini at 14:37
Meditate and write down new goals concerning your enjoyment of life and spontaneity.
6/7 New Moon 14* Cancer at 00:57
Meditate and write down new goals related to your sense of security, home, and family.
4/8 New Moon 13* Leo at 13:12
Meditate and write down new goals focusing on creative pursuits, love, and travel.
3/9 New Moon 11* Virgo at 03:55
Meditate and write down new goals to create structure in your life, focusing on exercise and clean living.
2/10 New Moon 10* Libra at 20:49 - Annular solar eclipse
Meditate and write down new goals promoting harmony and balance in your life and relationships.
1/11 New Moon 10* Scorpio at 13:46
Meditate and write down new goals concerning your deep emotions, healing, and personal growth.
1/12 New Moon 10* Sagittarius at 07:21
Meditate and write down new goals related to your philosophical journey and long-distance travel.
30/12 New Moon 10* Capricorn at 23:26
Meditate and write down new goals focusing on your life ambitions and your role in society.
New Moon Calender published in Magazine Nära, Sweden
Astrologer: Helena-Magdalena Ivekrans-Nätt, Sweden
