Eclipse time and the end of an era!!
Yesterday, there was a full moon in Gemini. A full moon with a partial eclipse. These eclipses always come in pairs with a few weeks apart. In a few weeks, there will be a new moon with a solar eclipse in Sagittarius. During eclipses, it feels like we are all being pushed forward, and things change rapidly. We have several planets active together. For example, this week, Mercury enters Sagittarius. Mercury is the messenger of the heavens, and he thrives excellently in Sagittarius, which stands for higher consciousness and honesty. This weekend, a beautiful trine is formed between Mercury in Sagittarius and Chiron in Aries, which I have written more about in my astro guide on Tidningen Nära. You can read about this week here:
So what is happening now during the eclipse is what propels us forward towards the future at a fast pace. Considering that Chiron, the wounded healer, is involved this week, it is about healing, and we can hope that the pandemic begins to fade away now.
In December, both Jupiter and Saturn will leave Pluto (which governs, among other things, viruses) behind in Capricorn, and they will move on into Aquarius, where they meet in conjunction during the winter solstice! Then we turn towards brighter times!! Partly because it is the winter solstice, and the days get longer every day, but also because a special energy is created when Jupiter and Saturn meet! They meet every 20 years when Jupiter catches up with Saturn, and this time it happens in an air sign, Aquarius. For the past 200 years, they have met in the earth element, but now it is the energy of air that prevails! The last time they were as close as they are now was in 1623!! (source: It is said that Jupiter and Saturn met when the star shone over Bethlehem during the time of Jesus' birth. At that time, we entered a new age; the Age of Pisces. Now we are fully entering the Age of Aquarius!! We see a new era being born!
So, we are definitely at the end of 2020! We can soon leave behind this chaotic, karmic year! In February, a stellium will form in Aquarius, then it is a full house! Especially around February 15th when the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and the asteroid Pallas all gather in Aquarius!! It is said that the Age of Aquarius has been on the verge of being born since the 1970s when peace, love, and understanding were the watchwords. Now these wonderful energies flourish on a grand scale.
Aquarius is an air sign, and the element of air stands for the mental, the intellectual, our thought patterns. Aquarius is the air sign that stands for humanity, revolutions, reforms, idealism, science, technology, and spirituality. Here, intellect and intuition go hand in hand! Aquarius governs the Internet; for this reason, for several years, I have advised people to invest in digital production for 2021. Now, with hindsight from 2020, everything related to online has become an everyday reality for many of us. We live online to a much greater extent, and we will continue to do so! But as you can also see above, Aquarius is also rebellious, and we can expect a year of revolutions where we will fight for our freedom! Because in 2021, we also have a square between Saturn, which wants to limit, organize, and impose restrictions in Aquarius, and Aquarius's ruling planet Uranus, which stands for revolutions, chaos, and freedom in Taurus. So next year, the old will fall even more to make way for the new! For what is more favorable for us!
So, we tie up the threads and leave the old behind, seeing a new world being born! 2021 is the Year of Aquarius as Jupiter is there! Aquarius is governed by the planet Uranus, which in Greek mythology stands for chaos!! Out of chaos, the new is born, and we who are currently living on this planet are here to witness the Phoenix Bird rising from the ashes and a new world being created! Out of chaos, darkness, misinformation, the light with clarity comes, new ways of thinking, new solutions for a sustainable world, and greater compassion for humanity. Material values will no longer be what governs; it is our feeling, living in the feeling, living in community with like-minded people, and seeing what real wealth is that propels us forward.
In social distancing, a longing for community is born; out of chaos, a longing for peace and harmony is born, in all the misinformation, a longing for the truth is born, in the total passive state that we have been forced to be in, a longing for freedom and independence is born, and we are on the verge of a new, better world! It will be created, and the younger generations with many old souls; Indigo, Crystal, and Diamond children will have an important and significant part in what is now being created! For many years, I have said that Indigo children came to illuminate that the old obsolete systems no longer work and that Crystal and Diamond children came to save the world. Now the future has begun!
Love & light Helena-Magdalena
